Augmented Reality as a Performance Enhancement Technology in Primary Education: A Systematic Review
Augmented Reality, Augmented Reality Application, Primary Education, Systematic ReviewAbstract
Augmented reality combines virtual objects into the real environment to enhance the performance of the real environment. In the educational field, augmented reality has been used to improve learner performance and make education advantageous. Especially in primary education, applications related to augmented reality have been developed to make education interesting and meaningful. However, only a few studies have analyzed and discussed the effectiveness of augmented reality on students' performance in primary education. In this context, the author seeks to find out the factors related to AR that enhances students' performance in primary school. Based on the previous studies, this study provides a systematic review of current knowledge and information. Mainly 14 research papers referred to the topic have been chosen to analyze the data which were published from 2018 to 2021. The result shows augmented reality applications have positive effects on learners' performance. The observation and results signify that augmented reality applications enhance the learners' motivation, interest, and academic performance of the learner.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mani Das Runu, J. V. Madhusudan

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Accepted 2022-05-20
Published 2023-02-21