Absenteeism and Self-Efficacy on 3D Schematic Drawing and PCB Design Course
Absenteeism, Self-Efficacy, PCB Design, 3DAbstract
Absenteeism as a global issue is defined as the situation in which students stay away from school with no valid rationales. Additionally, the concept of self-efficacy is considered as the personal judgments of individuals about what they can do in possible situations. Much attention is paid to the effects of absenteeism on the school success, whereas little one is placed on the effects of absenteeism on self-efficacy. This study aims to find the effects of absenteeism on the self-efficacy of students before and after a specific 3D Schematic Drawing and PCB Design course. The course, lasted 4 weeks, was held online-and face-to-face in Harran University. To assess students’ self-efficacy, the General Self-Efficacy scale developed by Sherer et al. (1982), is used in our study. The demographic distribution of the students such as gender, birth of year, learning mode and organization is surveyed at the beginning and at the end of the course. Our findings indicate that the overall scores of the self-efficacy of students increase when they regularly attend the course. Moreover, our study revealed that the expected level of self-efficacy of the students in our study are sufficient based on our assessment scale. The attendance rate of students has a positive impact on the self-efficacy of students in distance education, whereas it plays a negative role in face-to-face one.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Dursun Akaslan, Mehmet Hadi Suzer

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Accepted 2023-02-21
Published 2023-02-21