Mixed Reality and Resilience in Tourism
Mixed Reality, Resilience, Tourism, TanzaniaAbstract
The orientation towards a resilient future for the tourism sector is paramount particularly due to the effects of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic which include travel restrictions, social distancing and lockdowns. Existing technologies such as mixed reality allows individuals to see and experience the vicinity around them by blending the physical and virtual worlds but there is limited literature on mixed reality and resilience in tourism. Hence, to extend the scope of the study, this paper’s main objective is to explore mixed reality and resilience in tourism and specifically to explore the relationship between the use of mixed reality and resilient future in tourism within the context of Tanzania. The adopted methodology is the literature review method using integrated literature review approach to gather relevant information to address the objective of this paper. Content analysis supplemented the literature review method. The key findings revealed that the use of mixed reality is minimal in relation to resilient future in tourism thus adding literature in the phenomenon of resilience in tourism. Hence, the conclusion is that the usage of mixed reality can enhance a resilient future towards revamping Tanzania’s tourism sector. The practical implication is that the tourism practitioners should encourage the use of mixed reality in promotion efforts to ensure a resilient tourism sector.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Kezia Herman Mkwizu

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Accepted 2022-02-26
Published 2023-02-15